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Dublin Marathon 2017 Schedule

Marathon training is a series of consistant days put together over the course of months in preparation for race day. Train smart to race hard.

The reason I created this schedule is that I feel there is a gap between a basic schedule and a very complex individual schedule. Hence, people either get lost and not run a PB or have to shell out a few hundred Euro and you are probably doing the same schedule but only a few differences. The only payment I ask for is to make a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Or by texting 65Roses to 50300 to donate €2.

I have put together this schedule that has been created with the Dublin Marathon in mind. 

Before you download and follow this schedule, you need to make sure you have gotten medical clearance from your Doctor. We do not take any responsibility of health issues while following this schedule. 

The schedule isn't set in stone. If you need to take a few days off, or change your long run to another day then thats ok. You just need to make sure you aren't doing a hard run and a long run on consecutive days. One good run won't make you a great runner, and one bad run won't make you a bad runner. Be wise, be clever, and control what you can control. 

To get the best out of the training, you should add in a strength and conditioning session. Don't become stuck in a pattern that all you are doing is running. 

Finally, read these articles before you start the schedule to give you a better insight into Marathon training. They aren't going anywhere so come back to it if you need a reminder. Take one run as it comes. Try not to look too far ahead. Click on each heading to read. I will upload regularly on my blog and over on A Lust For Life . Be sure to follow me on all social media outlets for updates! 

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